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Government Of Assam Department of Agriculture & Horticulture Directorate of Agriculture

Get contractor/ farm registration for civil works

Contractor Registration

Contractor registration is done in Agriculture Department for the Civil Construction works for Class-I, II & III. Registration for Class-I & II is done in the Head quarter, Khanapara, Guwahati-22 and that for Class-III is done in the Divisions. New registration, up-gradation and renewal of registration is done usually for a period of 2years.

For New registration and up-gradation to Class-I :

Work experience certificate required is for Rs.50.00 lakhs or more in a single work for civil constructional work of building component.

For Class-II:

Work experience certificate required is for Rs.25.00 lakhs or more in a single work for civil constructional work of building component.

Technical staff position required for Class-I:

At least one Degree Engineer and one Diploma Engineer.

Technical staff position required for Class-II:

At least one Degree Engineer or one Diploma Engineer. 

At present our process of registration of contractors for the year 2016-17, 2017-18 is over and will open after March 2018. Notification will be published in the news paper.

PDF icon Notification.pdf814.51 KBswf-image
PDF icon Application Form.pdf842.23 KBswf-image
File List of Registered Contractor.xlsx34.64 KBswf-image
PDF icon List of renewed Contractors for the Year 2016-17 & 2017-18225.2 KBswf-image